peter and dane are talking about environmental protection

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13/05/2023 13,924

A. I completely agree

Bạn đang xem: peter and dane are talking about environmental protection

Đáp án chủ yếu xác

B. It's not true

C. I don't quite agree 

D. You're wrong

Đáp án A

Kiến thức: Ngôn ngữ kí thác tiếp

Peter và Dane đang được nói tới đảm bảo an toàn môi trường xung quanh.

- Peter: “Chúng tao nên giới hạn dùng túi vật liệu nhựa.”

- Dane: “___________. Thay vô bại tất cả chúng ta hoàn toàn có thể dùng túi giấy má.”

A. Tôi trọn vẹn đồng ý

B. Điều bại ko đúng

C. Tôi ko trọn vẹn đồng ý

D. Quý Khách sai rồi


Câu 1:

Mark will book his flight ticket __________.

Câu 2:

While many people moved to lớn big cities with a view to lớn turning over a new leaf some people flew the big cities in tìm kiếm of the rural idyll.

Câu 3:

No one is absent today, _______?

Câu 4:

She __________ her job as an sự kiện manager to lớn become a self-employed baker.

Câu 5:

The people applauded __________ kêu ca before when Bobo the Clown came out.

Câu 6:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to lớn indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Câu 7:

She expects that her presentation __________ by many people.

Xem thêm: tính oxi hóa là gì

Câu 8:

My father said to lớn me: “Why are you late? Did you miss the train?”

Câu 9:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to lớn indicate the correct answer to lớn each of the questions from 39 to lớn 43.

      Rain pounded down on the roof. I was trying to lớn read but the sound was too loud. I couldn’t help myself from being a little grumpy. I wanted to lớn be outside playing, but the rain was keeping bủ inside.

My mom had gone to lớn the grocery store, and my dad was spending Saturday at the office. I had planned to lớn spend the day hiking, but Mother Nature decided that today was the perfect day for rain.

      It meant that I would have to lớn entertain myself. I spent most of the morning playing with my stuffed animals and reading. I was sitting next to lớn the window staring out when I got a strange idea: why not just go outside anyway?

      I put on my boots and a big raincoat and stepped out into the wet world. It was raining hard but it wasn’t cold. All I could hear were raindrops and the wind. I decided to lớn go on my hike anyway.

      My feet didn’t make any sound on the wet ground and the forest seemed different. I went to lớn my favourite place and sat down. In the summer, my best friend Ellen and I would come here and sit for hours. It was our special place. All of a sudden, I thought I heard someone shouting my name. I turned and saw Ellen walking up behind bủ.

      “Oh my Gosh! It’s really you, Martha!” she said. “I can’t believe that you are out here right now. I thought I would be the only person crazy enough to lớn go for a walk in the rain.”

      I was very happy to lớn have some company. We decided that hiking in the rain was just as fun as hiking in the sunshine. We planned on hiking in the rain again.

(Adapted from Navigate)

What is the best title for the story?

Câu 10:

The ships had their days of __________ in the 1840s and 1850s.

Câu 11:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to lớn indicate the correct answer to lớn each of the questions from 44 to lớn 50

      A large number of inventions require years of arduous research and development before they are perfected. For instance, Thomas Edison had to lớn make more kêu ca 1,000 attempts to lớn invent the incandescent light bulb before he finally succeeded. History is replete with numerous other examples of people trying, yet failing to lớn make inventions before they eventually succeeded. Yet some inventions have come about not through hard work but simply by accident.

      In most cases, when someone unintentionally invented something, the inventor was attempting to lớn create something else. For example, in the 1930s, chemist Roy Plunkett was attempting to lớn make a new substance that could be used to lớn refrigerate items. He mixed some chemicals together. Then, he put them into a pressurized container and cooled the mixture. By the time his experiment was complete, he had a new invention. It was not a new substance that could be used for refrigeration though. Instead, he had invented Teflon, which is today most commonly used to lớn make nonstick pots and pans. Similarly, decades earlier, John Pemberton was a pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia. He was attempting to lớn create a tonic that people could use whenever they had headaches. While he was not successful in that endeavor, he managed to lớn invent Coca - Cola, the world - famous carbonated soft drink.

      Scientists have also made crucial discoveries by accident when they were conducting experiments. In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, an antibiotic, in this manner. He discovered some mold growing in a dish with some bacteria. He noticed that the bacteria seemed to lớn be avoiding the mold. When he investigated further, he determined some of the many useful properties of penicillin, which has saved millions of lives over the past few decades. Likewise, in 1946, scientist Percy Spencer was conducting an experiment with microwaves. He had a candy bar in his pocket, and he noticed that it suddenly melted. He investigated and learned the reason why that had happened. Soon afterward, he built a device that could utilize microwaves to lớn heat food: the microwave oven.

(Adapted from

Which title best summarizes the main idea of the passage?

Câu 12:

Could you lend bủ some more? I’ve spent __________ money you gave bủ yesterday.

Xem thêm: đại học hàng hải điểm chuẩn

Câu 13:

Students are restrained from eating bananas prior to lớn an exam for __________ of failing 'like sliding on a banana skin'.

Câu 14:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to lớn indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Câu 15:

We wish _______ to lớn college next year.