the bomb exploded in the garage

On February 26, 1993, a bomb exploded in a parking garage of the World Trade Center (WTC) in Thủ đô New York City. This sự kiện was the first indication for the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) that terrorism was evolving from a regional phenomenon outside of the United States to tát a transnational phenomenon.

Damage created by the February 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in Thủ đô New York City. DSS was called to tát assist the Thủ đô New York Police Department and the FBI in the investigation, and helped to tát identify the Middle Eastern radical responsible for the attack. Although Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda had ties to tát the bombing, the connections would not become clear until 1996. Source: © Associated Press / Richard Drew.
Damage created by the February 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in Thủ đô New York City. DSS was called to tát assist the Thủ đô New York Police Department and the FBI in the investigation, and helped to tát identify the Middle Eastern radical responsible for the attack. Although Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda had ties to tát the bombing, the connections would not become clear until 1996. Source: © Associated Press / Richard Drew.

The Thủ đô New York City (NYC) Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Joint Terrorism Task Force immediately called upon DSS for tư vấn during the investigation. Working with NYC Police, the FBI, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), DSS helped to tát quickly identify a group of Middle Eastern radicals as those responsible for the attack. FBI and NYC police arrested most of the terrorists before they could leave the United States; however, Ramzi Yousef, the driver of the khẩn khoản containing the explosives, escaped.

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A DSS Agent operates an explosives detector inside a crater left by the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Source: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
A DSS Agent operates an explosives detector inside a crater left by the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Source: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

In July 1993, the Department of State offered a $2 million reward through the Rewards for Justice program for information leading to tát the arrest of Yousef.

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By this time, Yousef had disappeared underground; U.S. law enforcement officials believed that Yousef had escaped to tát Pakistan, but they had little reliable information about his location. However, DSS Special Agents did much of the work that led to tát his capture in Pakistan.

In February 1995, nearly two years after the WTC attack, a man presented himself at the residence of a U.S. diplomat in Karachi, and claimed to tát have information about Yousef’s location. DSS agents in Pakistan confirmed that the man was a legitimate source: he was a former liên hệ for Yousef. Based on his information, DSS agents Bill Miller and Jeff Riner alerted Pakistani officials and prepared to tát raid Yousef ’s khách sạn room.

On February 7, 1995, a team of Pakistani law enforcement officers and DSS agents, including Miller, stormed into Yousef ’s room, waking him from a nap, and arrested him. The next day, Pakistani officials turned Yousef over to tát FBI agents, who flew him to tát Thủ đô New York City for arraignment. The informant received a $2 million reward, and on March 11, Yousef was indicted for the 1993 WTC bombing.

Ramzi Yousef, the driver of the explosives-laden truck in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. DSS agents, through a Pakistani source, located Yousef; DS Agents Bill Miller and Jeff Riner worked with Pakistani law enforcement to tát apprehend Yousef. Yousef was turned over to tát the FBI, and brought to tát the United States for trial. Source: © Associated Press.
Ramzi Yousef, the driver of the explosives-laden truck in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. DSS agents, through a Pakistani source, located Yousef; DS Agents Bill Miller and Jeff Riner worked with Pakistani law enforcement to tát apprehend Yousef. Yousef was turned over to tát the FBI, and brought to tát the United States for trial. Source: © Associated Press.