bài tập câu gián tiếp

Bài viết lách 50 Bài tập dượt về Câu loại gián tiếp vô Tiếng Anh đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải bao gồm rất đầy đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về Câu loại gián tiếp và bên trên 50 bài xích tập dượt về Câu loại gián tiếp tinh lọc, sở hữu đáp án cụ thể khiến cho bạn nắm rõ cơ hội dùng của Câu loại gián tiếp.

50 Bài tập dượt về Câu loại gián tiếp vô Tiếng Anh đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải

Phần I. Lý thuyết

1. Định nghĩa

Bạn đang xem: bài tập câu gián tiếp

- Câu trực tiếp: Câu thẳng là điều phát biểu xuất vạc thẳng kể từ người phát biểu và thông thường được bịa đặt vô vệt ngoặc kép.

Ví dụ: "I am hungry", Bob said.

- Câu loại gián tiếp: Câu loại gián tiếp hoặc thường hay gọi là câu trần thuật là thuật lại điều phát biểu của những người không giống, ko thuật lại rất đầy đủ những kể từ ngữ tuy nhiên chân thành và ý nghĩa vẫn không thay đổi và ko trực thuộc vệt ngoặc kép.

Ví dụ: Bob said he was very hungry.

2. Cách thay đổi câu thẳng quý phái câu loại gián tiếp (câu tường thuật)

*Những thay cho thay đổi về thì của động từ

Thì ở câu trực tiếp Thì ở câu loại gián tiếp
1. Hiện bên trên đơn (Simple Present)
Ex: “I work for a post office”, she said.
Quá khứ đơn (Simple Past)
She said she worked for a post office.
2. Hiện bên trên tiếp nối (Present Continuous)
Ex: “I am feeling ill” Tom said to tát me
Quá khứ tiếp nối (Past Continuous)
Tom told u that he was feeling ill.
3. Hiện bên trên hoàn thành xong (Present Perfect)
Ex: Tom said: “I haven’t done it”
Quá khứ hoàn thành xong (Past Perfect) Tom said he hadn’t done it
4. Hiện bên trên hoàn thành xong tiếp diễn
Ex: “I’ve been waiting for 2 hours”, Jack said
Quá khứ hoàn thành xong tiếp diễn
Jack said he had been waiting for 2 hours.
5. Quá khứ đơn (Simple Past)
Ex: “I didn’t bởi it”, he said.
Quá khứ hoàn thành xong (Past Perfect)
He said he hadn’t done it
6. Quá khứ tiếp nối (Past Continuous)
Ex: “I was lying”, he said.
Quá khứ hoàn thành xong tiếp nối ( Past perfect Continuous)
He said he had been lying
7. Quá khứ hoàn thành xong (Past Perfect)
Ex: “I had already done my homework”, Bob said.
Quá khứ hoàn thành xong (Past Perfect)
Ex: Bob said he had already done his homework.
8.Tương lai đơn (Simple Future)
Ex: “I’ll buy it”, Tom said.
Tương lai ở quá khứ (Future in the past)
Tom would buy it.

Ngoài rời khỏi, còn tồn tại một trong những thay cho thay đổi với những động kể từ khuyết thiếu (modal verbs)

Câu trực tiếp Câu loại gián tiếp
Can Could
Must/ have to Had to
May Might
Will Would
Shall/ Should Should
Needn’t Didn’t have to

*Chuyển trạng kể từ chỉ xứ sở và thời hạn theo đuổi quy luật:

Câu trực tiếp Câu loại gián tiếp
Ex: “I want to tát buy this pen.”
She said she wanted to tát buy that pen.
Ex: “I want to tát buy these pens.”
She said she wanted to tát buy those pens.
Ex: “I want to tát sit here.”
Ex: She said she wanted to tát sit there.
Ex: “I am sitting in front of TV now.”
She said she was waiting in front of TV then.
Ex: “Today I have a test”
That day
She said she had a test that day.
Ex: “I had a test yesterday.”
The day before/ The previous day. She said she had a test the day before.
Ex: “I’ll have a test tomorrow.”
The next day/ The following day. She said she would have a test the next day.
Ex: “I had a test 2 days ago.”
She said she had had a test 2 days before.
Last night
Ex: “I watched TV with my mother last night.”
The night before/ The previous night.
She said she had watched TV with her mother the night before.
Next week
Ex: “I will go on a picnic next week.”
The following week/ The week after.
She said she would go on a picnic the following week.
The day before yesterday
Ex: “I had a test the day before yesterday.”
Two days before/ earlier
She said she had had a test 2 days before.

*Thay thay đổi đại từ:

- Đại kể từ nhân xưng

Câu trực tiếp Câu loại gián tiếp
I He/ she
We/ you They
You (nếu là công ty ngữ) They/ I/ he/ she
Me Him/ her
Us Them
You (nếu là tân ngữ) Them/ me/ him/ her

- Đại kể từ sở hữu:

Câu trực tiếp Câu loại gián tiếp
My His/ her
Our Their
Your Their/ my/ his/ her
Mine His/ hers
Ours Theirs
Yours Theirs/ mine/ his/ hers

- Đại kể từ this/ that, these/ those

+ “This, that” hoàn toàn có thể thay đổi trở thành “it”

+ “These, those” hoàn toàn có thể thay đổi trở thành “that/ them”

Ví dụ: Mary said: “This is the first time I’ve broken my arm.”

→ Mary said that it was the first time she had broken her arm.

3. Tường thuật câu kể (Statements)

S1 + say(s)/ said (that)+ S2 + verb

S1 + tell(s)/ told + O + (that) + S2 + verb

Ví dụ: “I feel really fed up with my job.” said Susan.

→ Susan said that she felt really fed up with her job.

→ Susan told u that she felt really fed up with her job.

4. Tường thuật câu hỏi

*Câu chất vấn Yes/No: S + asked/ wanted to tát know/ wondered + if/ weather+ S + V

- Thêm If/ Whether nhằm khai mạc mang đến mệnh đề trần thuật.

- Trật kể từ thắc mắc (động từ xưa công ty ngữ) đem trở thành trật tự động câu kể (chủ ngữ + động từ). Bỏ do/does/did nếu như sở hữu, thay đổi thì của động kể từ vô mệnh đề trần thuật lùi về quá khứ một thì và thay cho thay đổi những nguyên tố khác ví như địa kể từ, chiếm hữu, tân ngữ, những kể từ chỉ thời hạn, xứ sở,…

Ví dụ: “Are you angry?” he asked. → He asked if/whether I was angry.

*Wh-questions (Câu chất vấn sở hữu kể từ nhằm hỏi: what, where, when, how…)

S + asked (+O)/ wanted to tát know/ wondered + what/ who/…. + S+V

- Không người sử dụng If/ Whether tuy nhiên người sử dụng lại những kể từ nhằm chất vấn sẵn sở hữu (what/ where/ when,…) nhằm khai mạc mang đến mệnh đề trần thuật.

- Các thay đổi không giống tiến hành tựa như Lúc trần thuật thắc mắc Yes/No

Ví dụ: “What are you talking about?” said the teacher.

→ The teacher asked us what we were talking about.

5. Tường thuật câu khẩu lệnh, cầu khiến cho, khuyên nhủ, rình rập đe dọa, điều chào, ngỏ ý …

*Khẳng định:

S + told/ asked/ advised/ reminded/ agree/ offer/ refuse... + O + to-V

Ví dụ: “Please wait for u here, Mary.” Tom said. (yêu cầu)

→ Tom told Mary to tát wait for him there.

*Phủ định:

S + told/ asked/ advised/ reminded/ agree + O + NOT to-V

Ví dụ: “Don’t talk in class” the teacher said to tát us. → The teacher told us not to tát talk in class.

6. Tường thuật điều đề nghị

S + suggested + ( someone ) + V_ing

Ví dụ: “Why don’t you send her some flowers?” he said.

→ He suggested u sending her some flowers.

7. Tường thuật với câu điều kiện

Nếu vô điều phát biểu thẳng sở hữu câu ĐK, thì chỉ mất câu điều loại I là sở hữu sự thay cho thay đổi về THÌ, nhì loại câu ĐK còn sót lại thì vẫn không thay đổi kiểu dáng động kể từ của bọn chúng.

Ví dụ: “If I have a time, I will visit her,” he said.

→ He said that if he had time, he would visit her.

Phần II. Bài tập

Task 1. Rewrite these following sentences with the same meaning

1. She said, "I am reading."

→ She said that.......

2. They said, "We are busy."

→ They said that ….......

3. He said, "I know a better restaurant."

→ He said that.........

4. She said, "I woke up early."

→ She said that.......

5. He said, "I will ring her."

→ He said that.......

6. They said, "We have just arrived."

→ They said that.......

7. He said, "I will clean the siêu xe."

→ He said that.......

8. She said, "I did not say that."

→ She said that.......

9. She said, "I don't know where my shoes are."

→ She said that.......

10. He said: "I won't tell anyone."

→ He said that.......

1. She said that she was reading.

2. They said that they were busy.

3. He said that he knew a better restaurant.

4. She said that she had woken up early.

5. He said that he would ring her.

6. They said that they had just arrived.

7. He said that he would clean the siêu xe.

8. She said that she had not said that.

9. She said that she did not know where her shoes were.

10. He said that he would not tell anyone.

Task 2. Rewrite these following sentences with the same meaning

1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked.

→ She asked.......

2. "How are you?" Martin asked us.

→ Martin asked us.......

3. He asked, "Do I have to tát bởi it?"

→ He asked.......……

4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter.

→ The mother asked her daughter.......

5. "Which dress bởi you lượt thích best?" she asked her boyfriend.

→ She asked her boyfriend.......

6. "What are they doing?" she asked.

→ She wanted to tát know.......

7. "Are you going to tát the cinema?" he asked u.

→ He wanted to tát know.......

8. The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?"

→ The teacher wanted to tát know......

9. "How bởi you know that?" she asked u.

→ She asked u.......

10. "Has Caron talked to tát Kevin?" my friend asked u.

→ My friend asked u.......

1. She asked where her umbrella was.

2. Martin asked us how we were.

3. He asked if he had to tát bởi it.

4. The mother asked her daughter where she had been.

5. She asked her boyfriend which dress he liked best.

6. She wanted to tát know what they were doing.

7. He wanted to tát know if I was going to tát the cinema.

8. The teacher wanted to tát know who spoke English.

9. She asked u how I knew that.

10. My friend asked u if Caron had talked to tát Kevin.

Task 3. Rewrite these following sentences with the same meaning

1. The doctor said to tát u, “You should lose weight.”

The doctor advised u.......

2. Mary said, “Let’s go to tát a movie.”

Mary suggested.......

3. “I didn’t break the windows”, Bill said.

Bill denied.......….

4. “You told a lie, Tom”, she said.

She accused Tom.......

5. “I can’t go to tát your birthday tiệc nhỏ next Saturday evening, Jack”, said Mary.

Mary apologized for.......

1. The doctor advised u to tát lose weight.

2. Mary suggested going to tát a movie

3. Bill denied breaking the windows

4. She accused Tom of telling a lie.

5. Mary apologized for not going to tát Jack’s birthday tiệc nhỏ next Saturday evening.

Task 4. Rewrite these following sentences with the same meaning

1. “I won’t help you with your homework. Never ! ” Jane said to tát u.

Xem thêm: đề thi toán thpt 2022

Jane refused........

2. Joe said, “Please come to tát my tiệc nhỏ.”

Joe invited........

3. Mr. Gray said, “Don’t play in the street.”

Mr. Gray warned the children not.......

4. “Would you lượt thích to tát come on a picnic with us?

They invited.......

5. “Please don’t tell anybody what happened.”

He asked.......

1. Jane refused to tát help u with my homework.

2. Joe invited u to tát his tiệc nhỏ.

3. Mr. Gray warned the children not to tát play in the street.

4. They invited u to tát come on a picnic with them.

5. He asked u not to tát tell anybody what had happened.

Task 5. Rewrite these following sentences with the same meaning

1. “If you don’t give u a pay rise. I’ll resign.”

She threatened......

2. “I’ll finish the work by the over of this week.”

John promised......

3. “You ought to tát take a break, Andrew.”

She advised......

4. “Don’t forget to tát go to tát the supermarket after work.”

They reminded......

5. “Why don’t we sing a few songs?”

He suggested.......

1. She threatened u to tát resign if I didn’t give her a pay rise.

2. John promised to tát finish the work by the over of that week .

3. She advised Andrew to tát take a break.

4. They reminded to tát go to tát the supermarket after work.

5. He suggested singing a few songs.

Task 6. Chuyển những câu sau về dạng câu trần thuật

1. “If the weather is fine, I will go on a picnic with my friends,” she said.


2. “What would you bởi if you had three days off ?” I asked him.


3. “I would have come to tát see you if I had known your address, Jim” she said.


4. “I’m sure she will help you if you ask her.” , he told me


5. “If Today were Sunday, we wouldn’t go to tát school.” They said to tát u.


6. She said to tát u, “If I were you, I wouldn’t tell her about this.


7. “There would not be enough seats if a lot of guests came.”


8. “You will be surprised if you meet him.” , Peter said to tát Linda.


9.The boy said : “I won’t be strong if I don’t swim everyday.”


10. “What would you bởi if you saw a snake ?” Nam asked Nga.


1. She said if the weather was fine, she would go on a picnic with her friends.

2. I asked him what he would bởi if he had (had) three days off.

3. She told Jim that she would have come if she had known his address.

4. He told u that he was sure she would help if I asked her.

6. They told u that if that day had been Sunday, they would have gone to tát school.

7. She told u that if she were u, she would have told her about that.

8 . If a lot of guest had come, there would have been not enough seats.

9. Peter told Linda that she would be surprised if she met him.

10. The boy said that he would not be strong if he did not swim everyday.

Task 7. Chuyển những câu sau về dạng câu trần thuật

1. “We’ll have lunch outside in the garden if it’s not cold.” ,Mr John said.


2. “Tom would win more races if he trained hard.” , The man said.


3. “If you feel lượt thích a chat, phone u tonight.” David said to tát u.


4. “If you isn’t eating sánh much junk food, you would be a lot fitter.” Mother said.


5. “I will be surprised if Mary doesn’t pass the exam.” , our teacher said.


6. “If I knew her hobbies, I could let you know.” He said to tát u.


7. “If I won the lottery, I would buy a new siêu xe.” , the man said.


8. “If you had listened to tát my advice, you wouldn’t have made such a big mistakes.” Julia said to tát LiLi.


1. Mr John said that they would have lunch outside in the garden if it was not cold.

2. The man said that Tom would have won more races if he had trained.

3. David told u to tát phone him that night if I felt lượt thích a chat.

4. My mother told u that I would be a lot fitter if I had not been eating sánh much junk food.

5. Our teacher said that she would be surprised of Mary did not pass the exam.

6. He told u that he could have let u known if he had known her hobbies.

7. The man said that he would have bought a new siêu xe if he had won the lottery.

8. Julia told LilLi that she would not have made such a big mistake if she had listened to tát Julia’s advice.

Task 8. Chọn đáp án đích nhất.

1. Jack asked u _____.

A. where bởi you come from?

B. where I came from

C. where I came from

D. where did I come from?

2. She asked u _____ I liked pop music.

A.when     B.what     C.if     D.x

3. The doctor ____ him to tát take more exercise.

A. told     B. tell     C. have told     D. are telling

4. I wanted to tát know_____ return home page.

A. when would she

B. when will she

C. when she will

D. when she would

5. Claire told u that her father____ a race horse.

A. owns     B. owned     C. owning     D. A and B

Task 9. Here are some things that Sarah said to tát you:

I’ve been to tát the Untied States. I can’t drive.
I don’t have any brothers or sisters. I don’t lượt thích fish.
I’m working tomorrow evening. Dave is lazy.
Jane has a very well – paid job. Jane is a friend of mine.
But later Sarah says something diffierent to tát you. What bởi you say?
Sarah You
1 Dave works very hard. But you said he was lazy.
2 Let’s have fish for dinner. But.......
3 I’m going to tát buy a siêu xe. .......
4 Jane is always short of money. .......
5 My sister lives in Paris. .......
6 I think Thủ đô New York is a great place. .......
7 Let’s go out tomorrow evening. .......
8 I’ve never spoken to tát Jane. .......

2. But you said you didn’t lượt thích fish

3. but you said you couldn’t drive

4. But you said she had very well-paid job

5. But you sai you didn’t have any brothers or sisters

6. But you said you had never been to tát the United States

7. But you said you were working tomorrow evening

8. but you said she was friend of yours.

Task 10. Somebody says something to tát you which is the oppsite of what they said earlier. Complete the answers.

1. A: That restaurant is expensive

B: Is it? I thought you said it was cheap.

2. A: Sue is coming to tát the tiệc nhỏ tonight.

B: Is she? I thought you said she …………………

3. A: Sarah likes Paul.

B: Does she? Last week you said …………………..

4. A: I know lots of people.

B: Do you? I thought you said ……………………

5. A: Jane will be here next week.

B: Will she? But didn’t you say …………………..

2. she wasn’t coming somewhere else/ … she was staying at home page.

3. she didn’t lượt thích him

4. you didn’t know anybody

5. she wouldn’t be here

Xem tăng những bài xích tập dượt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải cụ thể khác:

  • Bài tập dượt về Câu chất vấn đuôi vô Tiếng Anh đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải
  • Bài tập dượt về Chủ ngữ fake vô Tiếng Anh đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải
  • Bài tập dượt Đảo ngữ vô Tiếng Anh đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải
  • Bài tập dượt về If only đặc biệt hoặc sở hữu điều giải

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