bài tập so sánh bằng

Bài viết lách 50 Bài tập dượt So sánh vị rất rất hoặc với điều giải bao gồm vừa đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về So sánh vị và bên trên 50 bài bác tập dượt về So sánh vị tinh lọc, với đáp án cụ thể giúp đỡ bạn nắm rõ cơ hội dùng của So sánh vị vô Tiếng Anh.

50 Bài tập dượt So sánh vị rất rất hoặc với điều giải


1. Cách dùng

Bạn đang xem: bài tập so sánh bằng

- Dùng nhằm đối chiếu nhì hoặc nhiều đồ ăn, đồ uống, xống áo, vật dụng… với tác dụng, vẻ bên ngoài, vị ngang cân nhau.

Eg: Her house is as high as her. (Nhà tôi ca vị mái ấm cô ấy)

- Dùng nhằm đối chiếu nhì hoặc nhiều người dân có những đặc thù, điểm sáng, kỹ năng ngang cân nhau.

Eg: Britney sings as beautifully as Taylor. (Britney và Taylor hát hoặc như là nhau)

2. Công thức

*Cấu trúc dùng với as .... as:

- Khẳng tấp tểnh (positive): S + V + as + adj/adv + as + N/pronoun

- Phủ tấp tểnh (negative): S + V + not + so/as + adj/adv + N/Pronoun

*Cấu trúc dùng với same…. as:

S + V + the same + (noun) + as + noun/ pronoun

Lưu ý: The same as ngược nghĩa với different from: My nationality is different from hers.


Task 1. Hoàn trở nên câu

1. The xanh xao siêu xe is………..the red siêu xe. (fast)

2. Peter is ………………Fred. (not/tall)

3. The violin is………… the cello. (not/low)

4. This copy is ……………..the other one. (bad)

5. Oliver is …………….Peter. (optimistic)

6. Today is …………..yesterday. (not/windy)

7. The tomato soup was………….. the mushroom soup. (delicious)

8. Grapefruit juice is…………… lemonade. (not/sweet)

9. Tom has……….. (almost/money) John.

10. Peter…………. (not/have/children) John.

1. The xanh xao siêu xe is as fast as the red siêu xe.

2. Peter is not as tall as Fred.

3. The violin is not as flow as the cello.

4. This copy is as bad as the other one.

5. Oliver is as optimistic as Peter.

6. Today is not as windy as yesterday.

7. The tomato soup was as delicious as the mushroom soup.

8. Grapefruit juice is not sweet as lemonade.

9. Tom has almost as much money as John.

10. Peter does not have as many children as John.

Task 2. Complete the sentences uing as .... as

1. I'm quite tall but you are taller.

I'm not as tall as you.

2. My salary is high, but yours is higher.

My salary isn't ........................ .

3. You know a bit about cars, but I know more.

You don't .............................. .

4. It's still cold, but it was colder yesterday.

It isn't ............................... .

5. I still feel quite tired I felt, but a lot more tired yesterday.

I don't ................................ .

6. Our neighbours have lived here for quite a long time, but we've lived here longer.

Our neighbours haven't ................. .

7. I was a bit nervous before the interview,but usually I'm a lot more nervous.

Xem thêm: trường đại học văn hoá tp hcm

I wasn't .........................................................

2. My salary isn't as high as yours.

3. You don't know as much about cars as bầm. or .... as I bởi.

4. It isn't as cold as it was yesterday.

5. I don't feel as tired as I did yesterday.

6. Our neighbours haven't lived here as long as us.

7. I wasn't as nervous as I usually am.

Task 3. Write a new sentence with the same meaning.

1. Richard is younger kêu ca he looks.

Richard isn't as old as he looks.

2. I didn' spend as much money as you.

You spent more money kêu ca bầm ....... .

3. The station was nearer kêu ca I thought.

The station wasn't ................. .

4. The meal didn't cost as much as I expected.

The meal cost ...................... .

5. I go out less kêu ca I used đồ sộ.

I don't ............................ .

6. Karen's hair isn't as long as it used đồ sộ be.

Karen used đồ sộ ...................... .

7. I know them better thả you bởi.

You don't .......................... .

8. There are fewer people at this meeting kêu ca at the last one.

There aren't ....................... .

3. The station wasn't as far as I thought.

4. The meal cost less kêu ca I expected.

5. I don't go out as much as I used đồ sộ.

6. Karen used đồ sộ have longer hair.

7. You don't know them as well as bầm.

8. There aren't as many people at this morning as at the last one.

Task 4. Complete the senteces using as ... as + the following

bad comfortable fast long often
quietly soon well well-qualified

1. I'm sorry I'm late. I got here as fast as I could.

2. It was a difficult question. I answered it .............. I could.

3. "How long can I stay with you?" "You can stay ................. you lượt thích." I

4. I need the information quickly, sánh let bầm know ………….... possible.

5. I lượt thích đồ sộ keep fit, sánh I go swimming ................... I can.

6. I didn't want đồ sộ wake anybody, sánh I came in ……………... I could.

In the following sentences use just as ... as:

7. I'm going đồ sộ sleep on the floor. It's …………….. the bed.

8. Why did he get the job rather kêu ca me? I'm ……………….... him.

9. At first I thought he was nice, but really he's ………... everybody else.

2. as well as 3. as long as 4. as soon as 5. as often as
6. as quietly as 7. just as comfortable as 8. just as well–qualified as 9. just as bad as

Xem tăng những bài bác tập dượt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh rất rất hoặc với điều giải cụ thể khác:

  • Bài tập dượt Unless rất rất hoặc với điều giải
  • Bài tập dượt So sánh cấp rất nhiều lần rất rất hoặc với điều giải
  • Bài tập dượt So sánh rộng lớn nhất rất rất hoặc với điều giải
  • Bài tập dượt So sánh rộng lớn rất rất hoặc với điều giải
  • Bài tập dượt So sánh kép rất rất hoặc với điều giải

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