if you choose to study abroad you have to live

  • Getting Started
  • Why Study Abroad?

Studying abroad might be your first opportunity lớn leave your trang chính country. But it might feel really intimidating lớn commit lớn a semester, year, or full degree program when you’re unsure whether or not you will even enjoy living abroad. If you’re asking yourself: Should I study abroad?, this list is for you. Take a look at these five challenges of studying abroad that you might face if it’s your first time away from trang chính - and five reasons why you should still take the plunge!

Challenge 1: You’ll lack a few essential international survival skills

Bạn đang xem: if you choose to study abroad you have to live

What vì thế you vì thế when you accidentally take the wrong bus and kết thúc up in a đô thị you can’t pronounce the name of? How vì thế you avoid getting ripped off by street vendors? No matter how much you read up on the challenges of studying abroad before your trip, some unexpected situations will happen. There are only sánh many Google searches a person can make!

Why study abroad? You’ll become an awesome traveler almost overnight

Sure, you might lack some international travel skills at first, but lượt thích many new travelers, your youthful spirit, the kindness of strangers, and learning from your mistakes will carry you through. Beginner’s mistakes are completely normal.

Studying abroad is a crash course in traveling and living abroad that will equip you with some nuanced yet useful talents. You will understand how lớn navigate unsafe neighborhoods safely, where lớn get the cheapest plane tickets, which travel apps lớn use, and how lớn haggle at the local markets.

You will not only learn how lớn get from one place lớn another, but you’ll also find that the local people and your fellow travelers can be your greatest resource if you know how lớn ask for help. Some of your new talents might just revolve around letting things go and moving with the flow, but this is also an essential skill when living internationally!

One of the greatest reasons lớn study abroad is lớn learn how lớn travel, and lớn take your new skills with you lớn even more new destinations and cultures.

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Challenge 2: You’re nervous lớn study abroad in a country with a different language

Have you ever been somewhere where you could not read, speak, or understand anyone? Get ready lớn feel confused and a bit frustrated. You might find yourself in some situations where everyone forgets that you can’t understand what they’re saying. Classes that are supposedly held in your native language may involve long discussions in a language you’re not fluent in. Finding the nearest bathroom might get a little embarrassing as you try lớn act out what you need lớn someone who doesn’t understand your words!

Why study abroad? You’ll get a crash-course in a foreign language in the most practical way possible

When you study abroad in a language that you have studied in a classroom, you take your knowledge of the language lớn the next level. Whether you want lớn be able lớn chat with locals at bars or just be able lớn order dinner and a cab, studying a language through immersion is the perfect opportunity lớn practice.

Are you wondering: Should I study abroad even if I’m not sánh interested in language? While learning a little bit of the local language is important lớn navigate the đô thị you’ll live in as an international student, the reasons lớn study abroad extend past language learning. There are many benefits lớn learning another language that could potentially be useful in further travel or a future career later on.

Challenge 3: You don’t know how lớn khuyễn mãi giảm giá with cultural differences

If studying abroad is your first time outside of your trang chính country, you might find yourself raising your eyebrows at cultural norms that seem downright wacky. If you meet and spend time with friends that are more well-travelled, you might get asked if you’ve ever traveled before as you adjust lớn cultural differences. It can take time lớn adjust lớn a new country and culture with a new way of life and a different way of doing things.

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Why study abroad? You’ll come lớn feel at trang chính in different cultures

Remember, your own culture can seem a bit strange lớn others too! Your new friends and professors will help broaden your horizons. You might start lớn think more about your own culture- and where it overlaps with the culture of your study abroad country. If you’re still asking yourself: ‘Should I study abroad?’, consider the personal growth that will extend beyond your program and into the rest of your life.

Chances are, many of the things you thought of as standard are just that way because you’ve grown up in that world. One of the best reasons lớn study abroad is discovering a different side lớn yourself with new habits, favorite foods, and friends from backgrounds that you would never have met otherwise.

Ready lớn take on the challenges of studying abroad?

Check out our comprehensive guide on how lớn study abroad!

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Challenge 4: You may not feel prepared for a different academic style

One of the typical challenges of studying abroad for every student is that your trang chính country’s education system and academic culture is going lớn be different from other countries. These differences can range from different standards and expectations lớn an entirely different course format. You could be expected lớn write an original thesis, expand on (unfamiliar) academic theories, complete weekly check-in assignments, or you might not even have lớn take a test until a crucial final exam. Studying abroad will add another dimension of new experiences.

Depending on where you’re from, what courses you take, and where you’re studying abroad, these differences could be shocking. International students sometimes need lớn pay extra attention lớn what their professors expect in the classroom in order lớn keep up with their classmates.

Why study abroad? You’ll learn how lớn perform lớn different expectations

In your adult life, no one is going lớn spell out exactly how you can succeed. Your first quấn will expect you lớn come lớn your job already prepared lớn meet their expectations. When you study abroad and are thrust into a completely new academic system, you will develop your soft skills along with the nội dung of the courses you take. You’ll become an expert at adjusting lớn what is expected from you in different work environments while also proactively understanding what you need lớn vì thế in order lớn be successful. These are true skills for life.

Challenge 5: Making international friends might be tricky at first

It can be hard lớn make new friends, but feeling lượt thích you have nothing in common with others can be extra challenging. Perhaps you’ve never had a friend from outside of your own culture before. You might be worried about offending someone, not understanding them, or just being too different lớn get along.

Why study abroad? You’ll become quite talented at making new friends!

As long as you are approachable and interested in making new friends, you will not have a problem. There are plenty of ways lớn meet new people when studying abroad, and sometimes your differences make the best subject of conversation!

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Making new local and international friends during your study abroad experience will give even the shyest wallflower a solid phối of skills for making more new friends in the future. While there are many reasons lớn study abroad, international friendships that continue past your program will be one of the most enriching experiences. When you return lớn your trang chính country, you might be surprised lớn find yourself seeking out even more international friends lớn widen your old social circles!

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