1000 từ tiếng anh thông dụng

  • 2. Chào các bạn, Nếu các bạn vẫn đang được thất vọng với việc học tập kể từ vựng, thì cuốn "Sổ Tay Từ Vựng Thần Thánh" và "Bộ Video Học Từ Vựng Cực Đỉnh" này là tranh bị kín dành cho các bạn. Tham khảo tức thì khoá học: Chinh Phục 1000 Từ Vựng Tiếng Anh Trong 30 Ngày: https://KissEnglishCenter.com /TuVungTiengAnh/
  • Bạn đang xem: 1000 từ tiếng anh thông dụng

  • 3. accept /əkˈsept/ 1. He asked bầm vĩ đại marry him and I accepted. 2. She won't accept advice from anyone. 3. I accept that this will not be popular. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 4. affect /əˈfekt/ 1. Your opinion will not affect my decision. 2. Try not vĩ đại let his problems affect you too much. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 5. agree /əˈɡriː/ 1. She agreed vĩ đại let bầm go home early. 2. I totally agree with you . 3. I partly agree with you. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 6. allow /əˈlaʊ/ 1. His parents won't allow him to stay out late. 2. Smoking is not allowed in this hospital KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 7. answer /ˈænsər/ 1. I repeated the question, but she didn't answer. 2. He answered bầm with a smile . 3. answer my phone. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 8. appear /əˈpɪr/ 1. He suddenly appeared in front of bầm. 2. I don't lượt thích vĩ đại appear on TV. 3. It appears that there has been a mistake. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 9. apply /əˈplaɪ/ 1. Apply for a job. 2. Apply the cream vĩ đại your face and neck. 3. You should apply in person. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 10. argue /ˈɑːrɡjuː/ 1. My brothers are always arguing. 2. I don't want vĩ đại argue with you— just bởi it! 3. It's normal for couples vĩ đại argue all the time. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 11. arrive /əˈraɪv/ 1. Sorry for arriving late for a meeting. 2. The train arrived at the station 20 minutes late. 3. When will your train arrive? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 12. ask /æsk/ 1. Can I ask a question? 2. She asked the students their names. 3. He asked bầm vĩ đại marry him. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 13. avoid /əˈvɔɪd/ 1. I leave early vĩ đại avoid the traffic jam. 2. You should avoid eating fast foods. 3. Try vĩ đại avoid foods which contain a lot of fat. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 14. become /bɪˈkʌm/ 1. She’s studying vĩ đại become a teacher. 2. His job has become his whole life. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 15. begin /bɪˈɡɪn/ 1. Let's begin at page 9. 2. She began vĩ đại cry. 3. When will you begin recruiting? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 16. believe /bɪˈliːv/ 1. Believe bầm, she's not right for you. 2. He never believes me! 3. It's hard vĩ đại believe that! KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 17. better /ˈbetər/ 1. He tries vĩ đại better himself everyday . 2. Their success that season could not be bettered. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 18. book /bʊk/ 1. I booked a flight vĩ đại Hanoi. 2. You should book early if we want vĩ đại get a room. 3. The khách sạn is fully booked KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 19. break /breɪk/ 1. Break a cup. 2. He broke the chocolate in two. 3. She broke the silence by coughing. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 20. build /bɪld/ 1. I plan vĩ đại build 10 new houses. 2. We want vĩ đại build a better life. 3. They're building a new bridge across the river. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 21. buy /baɪ/ 1. He bought bầm this dress. 2. Where did you buy that dress? 3. I bought it from a friend for £10. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 22. care /ker/ 1. I don't care what he does. 2. She really cares about your job. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 23. carry /ˈkæri/ 1. She carried her baby in her arms. 2. Policemen in many countries can carry guns. 3. Let bầm carry your bag. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 24. catch /kætʃ/ 1. Throw it. I will catch it. 2. How many fish bởi you catch? 3. I caught her smoking in the room. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 25. cause /kɔːz/ 1. Do they know what caused the fire? 2. The bad weather is causing problems for many farmers. 3. The bright light caused her to blink. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 26. challenge /kɔːz/ 1. Do they know what caused the fire? 2. The bad weather is causing problems for many farmers. 3. The bright light caused her to blink. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 27. change /tʃeɪndʒ/ 1. Her life changed completely when she won the lottery. 2. Fame hasn't really changed him. 3. The lights change from red to green. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 28. charge /tʃɑːrdʒ/ 1. The restaurant charged bầm £20 for lunch. 2. He only charged bầm half price. 3. They charge you $20. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 29. check /tʃek/ 1. Hang on—I just need vĩ đại check my tin nhắn. 2. Check your work before handing it in. 3. Check your work before handing it in. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 30. choose /tʃuːz/ 1. Sarah chose her words carefully. 2. You'll have vĩ đại choose whether to buy it or not. 3. Danny, come here and choose your ice cream. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 31. clear /klɪr/ 1. It's your turn vĩ đại clear the table. 2. I'll make the coffee if you clear the table. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 32. close /kloʊz/ 1. Let's close the curtains. 2. The doors open and close automatically. 3. What time does the bank close? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 33. compare /kəmˈper/ 1. We compared the two reports carefully. 2. This house doesn't compare with our previous one. 3. have you compared prices in other shops? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 34. concern /kənˈsɜːrn/ 1. Please pay attention because this information concerns all of you. 2. His attitude concerns bầm. 3. What I have vĩ đại say vĩ đại Amy doesn't concern you. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 35. consider /kənˈsɪdər/ 1. We're considering buying a new car. 2. You should consider other people before you act. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 36. contain /kənˈteɪn/ 1. This drink doesn't contain any alcohol. 2. The bottle contains (= can hold) two litres. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 37. continue /kənˈtɪnjuː/ 1. She wants vĩ đại continue working until she is 60. 2. He continued vĩ đại ignore everything I was saying. 3. Please continue—I didn't mean to interrupt. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 38. control /kənˈtroʊl/ 1. Try vĩ đại control your breathing. 2. He can't control his feelings. 3. She controls 7.5% of the company. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 39. cost /kɔːst/ 1. "How much does this book cost?" "It costs $10." 2. This trip will cost you $1,000. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 40. cover /ˈkʌvər/ 1.The light was ví bright that I had to cover my eyes. 2. Cover the meat with a layer of cheese. 3. She covered him (up) with a blanket. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 41. create /kriˈeɪt/ 1. The government plans vĩ đại create more jobs for young people. 2. It's important vĩ đại create a good impression when you meet a new girl. 3. The reorganization has created a lot of bad feeling. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 42. cut /kʌt/ 1. I cut a piece of birthday cake for them. 2. Now cut the tomatoes in half. 3. Buyers will bargain hard vĩ đại cut the cost of the house they want. 4. His salary has been cut by ten per cent. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 43. dance /dæns/ 1. The children are dancing around her. 2. Dance the tango. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 44. decide /dɪˈsaɪd/ 1. I decide vĩ đại go trang chính early . 2. I decided I would try it. 3. I can't decide what vĩ đại bởi. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 45. describe /dɪˈskraɪb/ 1. Can you describe your new house vĩ đại me? 2. Describe how you did it. 3. Just describe what happened. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 46. design /dɪˈzaɪn/ 1. Can you design us a poster? 2. He designed and built his own house. 3. vĩ đại design a car/a dress/an office 4. Adam designed and wrote the software. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 47. determine /dɪˈtɜːrmɪn/ 1. They determined vĩ đại start early. 2. People should be allowed to determine their own future. 3. I can’t determine why your phone isn’t working. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 48. develop /dɪˈveləp/ 1. The child is developing normally. 2. She developed her business from nothing. 3. They developed their relationship over a number of years. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 49. die /daɪ/ 1. She died young. 2. The old customs are dying. 3. His secret died with him. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 50. dream /dɪˈskʌs/ 1. Have you discussed the problem with anyone? 2. We need vĩ đại discuss when we should go. 3. Stop shouting and let's discuss this now . KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 51. draw /drɔː/ 1. You draw beautifully. 2. She drew a house. 3. He's an excellent speaker who always draws a crowd. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 52. dream /driːm/ 1. He dreamt about you last night . 2. I dreamt (that) I got the job. 3. She dreams of running her own business. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 53. drive /draɪv/ 1. Don't drive ví fast! 2. Could you drive bầm home? 3. He drives bầm crazy. 4. He leaves dirty clothes all over the floor and it's driving bầm mad KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 54. drop /drɑːp/ 1. Be careful not vĩ đại drop that plate. 2. Please, drop bầm near the ngân hàng. 3. I drop yoga and bởi aerobics instead. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 55. eat /iːt/ 1. I was too nervous vĩ đại eat. 2. Would you lượt thích vĩ đại eat pizza? 3. When I've got a cold, I don't feel lượt thích eating. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 56. end /end/ 1. They decided vĩ đại over their relationship. 2. They ended the play with a song. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 57. enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ 1. Thanks for a great evening. 2. Here's that book I promised you. Enjoy! 3. She likes her job because she enjoys meeting people. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 58. enter /ˈentər/ 1. Please knock before entering. 2. You have vĩ đại enter a password to access the computer. 3. Someone entered the room behind bầm. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 59. establish /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ 1. The organisation was established in 1992. 2. My brothers established a clothes business. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 60. expect /ɪkˈspekt/ 1. don't expect too much from him. 2. I didn’t expect him vĩ đại become a successful writer. 3. He didn't expect vĩ đại see bầm. 4. I expect (that) you'll find it somewhere in your bedroom. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 61. explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ 1. First, I'll explain the rules of the game. 2.Please could you explain why you're ví late. 3. She tried vĩ đại explain but he wouldn't listen. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 62. face /feɪs/ 1. Most of the rooms face the sea. 2. It's not easy vĩ đại face the truth. 3. Let's face it, we're not going to win. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 63. fail /feɪl/ 1. She failed vĩ đại get into FTU university. 2. What will you bởi if you fail? 3. He failed his driving test. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 64. fall /fɔːl/ 1. This price falls 30 percent. 2. He fell off his xe đạp and broke his leg. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 65. feel /fiːl/ 1. I know exactly how you feel. 2. How bởi you feel . 3. I don't feel comfortable in high heels. 4. He makes bầm feel annoyed KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 66. fight /faɪt/ 1. Fight a war. 2. My little brothers are always fighting. 3. I wish they wouldn't fight in front of the kids. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 67. fill /fɪl/ 1. Please fill this glass for bầm. 2. Smoke filled the room. 3. Fill in a khuông. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 68. find /faɪnd/ 1. Can you find my bag for me? 2. I will try vĩ đại find a solution to the problem. 3. I found (that) I could easily swim a mile. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 69. finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ 1. I'll điện thoại tư vấn you when I've finished my homework. 2. The meeting will finish at 7p.m 3. Have you finished that book? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 70. ly /flaɪ/ 1. He's learning vĩ đại fly. 2. I usually fly Vietnam Airlines. 3. Is this the first time that you've flown? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 71. focus /ˈfoʊkəs/ 1. the camera focuses on her face. 2. The discussion focused on three main problems. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 72. follow /ˈfɑːloʊ/ 1. Follow bầm please. I'll show you the way. 2. Why didn't you follow my advice? 3. Sorry, I don't follow you. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 73. forget /fərˈɡet/ 1. He forget how much he paid for it. 2. Don't forget vĩ đại điện thoại tư vấn bầm . 3. Hey, don't forget me! . KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 74. give /ɡɪv/ 1. Did you give the waiter a tip? 2. Give bầm a reason . 3. We don't usually give presents to people at work. 4. They never gave bầm a chance/choice. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 75. grow /ɡroʊ/ 1. The company is growing bigger all the time. 2. India grows tea for export. India . 3. grow old . 4. She grew up in Boston. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 76. guess /ɡes/ 1. Can you guess his age? 2. ‘He didn't see bầm, I guess. 3. Can you guess where I've been? 4. You would never guess (that) she had problems. She’s always so cheerful. 5. I guess that he will come late KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 77. happen /ˈhæpən/ 1. I'll be there whatever happens. 2. I don't know how this happened. 3. What happens if nobody comes to the party? 4. You'll never guess what's happened! KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 78. hear /hɪr/ 1. The line is very bad. I can’t hear you. 2. He could hear a dog barking. 3. I was sorry vĩ đại hear about your accident. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 79. help /help/ 1. Come and help bầm lift this box. 2. He helps bầm clean the room. 3. If you want another drink, just help yourself. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 80. hit /hɪt/ 1. My parents never hits bầm. 2. The bus hit the bridge. 3. hit the ball . 4. Temperatures hit 40° yesterday. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 81. hold /hoʊld/ 1. The girl held her father's hand tightly. 2. I'll hold the door open for you. 3. She asked bầm vĩ đại hold the line. 4. You have vĩ đại hold my hand when we cross the road KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 82. hope /hoʊp/ 1. I hope (that) you’re okay. 2.Let's hope we can find a parking space. 3. We hope vĩ đại arrive around two. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 83. imagine /ɪˈmædʒɪn/ 1. I can't imagine life without money . 2. Close your eyes and imagine (that) you are in a forest. 3. Imagine earning a lot of money! 4. There's nobody there. You're imagining things. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 84. impact /ɪmˈpækt/ 1. Her father's death impacted greatly on her childhood years. 2. The company's performance was impacted by the high value of the pound. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 85. improve /ɪmˈpruːv/ 1. He did a lot vĩ đại improve conditions for factory workers. 2. I need vĩ đại improve my French. 3. His quality of life has improved dramatically since the operation. 4. Her grades have improved greatly this semester. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 86. include /ɪnˈkluːd/ 1. Does the price include tax? 2. You should include some examples in the essay. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 87. increase /ɪnˈkriːs/ 1. The price of oil increased. 2. We need vĩ đại increase productivity. 3. Our main aim is vĩ đại increase sales by 12% this year. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 88. involve /ɪnˈvɑːlv/ 1.Many of the crimes involved drugs. 2. The job would involve travelling to Paris. 3. Her job involves filing and other office work. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 89. join /dʒɔɪn/ 1. She joined the company three months ago. 2. Will you join us for lunch? 3. How bởi these two pieces join? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 90. keep /kiːp/ 1. I'm very sorry vĩ đại keep you waiting. 2. Here's a five dollar bill—please keep the change. 3. Can you keep a secret? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 91. know /noʊ/ 1. Do you know his phone number? 2. I knew that he loved you 3. Sorry, I don't know how vĩ đại cook Phở. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 92. laugh /læf/ 1. She always makes bầm laugh. 2. laugh loudly/aloud/out loud. 3. They laughed at her jokes. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 93. lead /liːd/ 1. If you lead, I'll follow. 2. Which door leads vĩ đại the yard? 3. Eating too much sugar can lead vĩ đại health problems. 4. Lead a discussion KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 94. learn /lɜːrn/ 1. learn a language/a musical instrument/a skill. 2. He's learning vĩ đại dance. 3. I'm sure she will learn from her mistakes. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 95. leave /liːv/ 1. I usually leave trang chính at 7 a.m. 2. Leave the dishes—I'll bởi them later. 3. I've left my bag on the bus. 4. She left £1 million vĩ đại her daughter. 5. Leave a message KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 96. like /laɪk/ 1. He doesn't lượt thích vĩ đại ask his parents for help. 2. Do you lượt thích their new house? 3. At weekends I lượt thích vĩ đại sleep late. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 97. list /lɪst/ 1. Can you list some items that are missing? 2. I've listed some useful tips on the handout. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
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  • 98. listen / ˈlɪsn/ 1. I listened carefully vĩ đại her story. 2. Sorry, I wasn't really listening. 3. She does all the talking - I just sit and listen KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 99. live /lɪv/ 1. We used vĩ đại live in London. 2. Spiders can live for several days without food. 3. live something She lived a very happy life. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 100. look /lʊk/ 1. She looked at bầm & smiled . 2. Are you still looking for a job? 3. That book looks interesting. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 101. lose /luːz/ 1. I've lost my keys. 2. Sit down or you will lose your seat. 3. I lose my game. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 102. love /lʌv/ 1. You two love each other, why not get married? 2. He loved the way she smiled. 3. He love you ví much. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 103. maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/ 1. I try vĩ đại maintain a good relationship with my quấn. 2. The house is large and difficult to maintain. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 104. manage /ˈmænɪdʒ/ 1. We managed vĩ đại get vĩ đại the airport in time. 2. ‘Need any help?’ ‘No, thanks. I can manage.’ 3. How bởi you manage without a car? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 105. mean /miːn/ 1.What does this sentence mean? 2. I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean vĩ đại. 3. Money means nothing vĩ đại him. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 106. meet /miːt/ 1. Maybe we'll meet again some time. 2. I can't meet that deadline. 3. Where did you first meet husband? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 107. mention /ˈmenʃn/ 1. Mention something/somebody (to somebody) Nobody mentioned anything vĩ đại me about it. 2. Did she mention where she was going? 3. Sorry, I won't mention it again. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 108. move /muːv/ 1. I'm ví cold can't move my fingers. 2. We don't lượt thích it here ví we've decided vĩ đại move. 3. Don't move! Stay right where you are. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 109. Need /niːd/ 1. Do you need any help? 2. he needs vĩ đại get some sleep. 3. All you need vĩ đại bởi is fill this form. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 110. note /noʊt/ 1. Please note (that) the office will be closed on Monday. 2. It is worth noting that the most successful companies had the lowest prices. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 111. notice /ˈnoʊtɪs/ 1.The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell. 2. I noticed a crack in the ceiling. 3. Mary waved at the man but he didn't seem vĩ đại notice. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 112. occur /əˈkɜːr/ 1. Something unexpected occurred. 2.The incident occurred shortly after the plane took off. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 113. offer /ˈɔːfər/ 1. He offered some useful advice. 2. They decided vĩ đại offer Jo the job. 3. My father offered vĩ đại take us to the airport. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 114. open /ˈoʊpən/ 1. Mr Chen opened the siêu xe door for his wife. 2. He opened the letter and read it. 3. The coffee cửa hàng opens at ten o'clock. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 115. order /ˈɔːrdər/ 1.‘Sit down and be quiet,’ she ordered. 2. Shall I order you a taxi? (especially British English). 3. I ordered a beer and a sandwich. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 116. own /oʊn/ 1.Do you own your house or bởi you rent it? 2. Does anyone own this coat? It was left in a classroom. 3. Own a business KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 117. pass /pæs/ 1. Pass the salt, please. 2. Six months passed and we still had no news of them. 3.She hasn't passed her driving test yet. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 118. pay /peɪ/ 1. I'll pay for the tickets. 2. I'm paid $100 a day. 3. pay a bill/debt/fine,etc. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 119. perform /pərˈfɔːrm/ 1. A computer can perform many tasks at once. 2. she play was first performed in 2007. 3. She performed less well in the second test. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 120. pick /pɪk/ 1. Pick a number from one to twenty. 2. pick your teeth 3. He picked his words carefully. 4. Have I picked a bad time to talk vĩ đại you? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 121. plan /plæn/ 1.Plan a trip vĩ đại Nha Trang 2. Everything went exactly as planned. 3.To plan for the future 4. I plan vĩ đại go shopping tomorrow KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 122. play /pleɪ/ 1. play football/chess/cards, etc. 2. play the piano/violin/flute, etc. 3. Click below vĩ đại play videos. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 123. practice /ˈpræktɪs/ 1. You should practice the piano every day 2. My team is practicing for the game on Monday KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 124. prepare /prɪˈper/ 1. To prepare a report 2. I had no time vĩ đại prepare. 3. The whole class is working hard preparing for the exam. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 125. present /prɪˈzent/ 1. She presents the late-night news. 2. Later on I'd lượt thích vĩ đại present you to the headteacher. 3. Are you presenting the report at the conference? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 126. produce /prəˈduːs/ 1. Our cát produced kittens last week. 2. She produced a TV series about adopted children. 3. She works for a company that produces electrical goods KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 127. protect /prəˈtekt/ 1. It's important vĩ đại protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. 2. We're not doing enough to protect the environment from pollution. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 128. prove /pruːv/ 1. What are you trying vĩ đại prove? 2. This proves (that) I was right. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 129. provide /prəˈvaɪd/ 1. This booklet provides useful information about local services. 2. A healthy diet should provide all your essential nutrients. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 130. pull /pʊl/ 1. You push and I'll pull. 2. Stop pulling her hair! 3. Pull the curtains—it's dark outside. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 131. push /pʊʃ/ 1. He tried vĩ đại kiss her but she pushed him away 2. I tried vĩ đại push the door open but it was stuck. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 132. put /pʊt/ 1. Put your name here. 2. She put her bag on the table 3. He put salt into the sugar bowl by mistake. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 133. raise /reɪz/ 1. We are raising money for charity. 2. I want vĩ đại raise (= talk about) two problems/questions with you. 3. The farmer raises (= breeds) chickens and pigs. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 134. reach /riːtʃ/ 1. I hope this letter reaches you. 2. Daytime temperatures can reach 40°C. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 135. read /riːd/ 1. Some children can read and write before they go vĩ đại school. 2. Read a book/a magazine/the newspaper KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 136. realize /ˈriːəlaɪz/ 1. I didn’t realize (that) you were so unhappy. 2. "You're standing on my foot." "Sorry, I didn't realize." KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 137. receive /rɪˈsiːv/ 1. vĩ đại receive a letter/ present/ phone call 2. I received a phone điện thoại tư vấn from your mother. 3. Members all receive a free copy of the monthly newsletter. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 138. reduce /rɪˈduːs/ 1. Reduce tốc độ now. 2. My weight reduces when I stop eating sugar. 3. The skirt was reduced vĩ đại £10 in the sale. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 139. re lect /rɪˈflekt/ 1. His face was reflected in the mirror. 2. Before I decide, I need time to reflect. 3. The statistics reflect a change in people's spending habits. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 140. remain /rɪˈmeɪn/ 1. Train fares are likely vĩ đại remain unchanged. 2. Very little of the house remained after the fire. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 141. remember /rɪˈmembər/ 1. This is Trinh. Do you remember her? 2. Remember vĩ đại điện thoại tư vấn bầm when you arrive! 3. I don't remember signing a contract. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 142. remove /rɪˈmuːv/ 1. Remove something/somebody from something/somebody . 2. He removed his hand from her shoulder. 3. It was impossible vĩ đại remove the stain from the tablecloth. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 143. report /rɪˈpɔːrt/ 1. Call bầm urgently if you have anything vĩ đại report. 2. We called the police vĩ đại report the theft. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 144. require /rɪˈkwaɪər/ 1. All candidates will be required to take a short test. 2. Students at this level require a lot of help. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 145. research /rɪˈsɜːrtʃ/ 1. Research a problem/topic/ market. 2. We have vĩ đại research how the product will actually be used. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 146. respond /rɪˈspɑːnd/ 1. I asked him his name, but he didn't respond. 2. She never responded vĩ đại my letter. 3. I will need vĩ đại respond vĩ đại his email today. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 147. rest /rest/ 1. The doctor told bầm vĩ đại rest. 2. Rest your eyes every half an hour. 3. She was told vĩ đại stay in bed to rest her injured back. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 148. return /rɪˈtɜːrn/ 1. When did she return home from the trip? 2. I must return some books to the library. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 149. reveal /rɪˈviːl/ 1. The doctors did not reveal the truth vĩ đại him. 2. Her expression revealed nothing. 3. Officers could not reveal how he died. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 150. rise /raɪz/ 1. The sun rises in the east. 2. The price of gas rose. 3. His voice rose as he got angry. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 151. run /rʌn/ 1. I had vĩ đại run rẩy vĩ đại catch the bus. 2. vĩ đại run rẩy a hotel/store/ language school/ run rẩy a business. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 152. save /seɪv/ 1. He's trying vĩ đại save their marriage. 2. I'm not very good at saving. 3. Book early and save £50! 4. To save, press Control S. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 153. see /siː/ 1. She looked for him but couldn't see him in the crowd. 2. Did you see what happened? 3. I saw him this morning. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 154. seek /siːk/ 1. I think it's time we sought legal advice. 2. "Are you seeking jobs?" she asked. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 155. seem /siːm/ 1. He seems a nice man. 2. You seem happy. 3. It seems that they know what they're doing. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 156. sell /sel/ 1. I sold James my siêu xe for $800. 2. Do you sell stamps? 3. We offered them a good price but they wouldn't sell. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 157. send /send/ 1. I'll send you my tin nhắn address once I'm online. 2. Send a letter/package/ cheque/fax/email KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 158. serve /sɜːrv/ 1. Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m. 2. Do they serve meals in the bar? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 159. shake /ʃeɪk/ 1. Shake the bottle well before use. 2. He shook my hand warmly. 3. He was shaking with fear. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 160. share /ʃer/ 1. Lan shares a house with three other students. 2. Men often lượt thích vĩ đại share their problems. 3. Eli shared his chocolate with the other kids. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 161. show /ʃoʊ/ 1. Can you show bầm how vĩ đại do it? 2. He showed bầm our location on the map. 3. You have vĩ đại show your ticket as you go in. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 162. sing /sɪŋ/ 1. She usually sings in the shower. 2. Will you sing us a song? 3. She thanh lịch the baby vĩ đại sleep. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 163. sit /sɪt/ 1. He went and sat beside her. 2. It’s too cold vĩ đại sit outside. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 164. speak /spiːk/ 1. Can I speak vĩ đại Dan please? 2. Please speak more slowly. 3. Do you speak English? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 165. spend /spend/ 1. She spent £100 on a new dress. 2. We spent the weekend in Paris. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 166. stand /stænd/ 1. Don't just stand there—do something! 2. I can't stand his brother. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 167. start /stɑːrt/ 1. I start work at nine. 2. Can you start on Monday? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 168. stay /steɪ/ 1. Stay there and don't move! 2. He never stays angry for long. 3. "Stay hungry, stay foolish" KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 169. stop /stɑːp/ 1. The siêu xe stopped at the traffic lights. 2. Please stop crying and tell me what's wrong. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 170. study /ˈstʌdi/ 1. How long have you been studying English? 2. Don't disturb Jane, she's studying for her exams. 3. We will study the report carefully before making a decision. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 171. support /səˈpɔːrt/ 1. If you raise it at the meeting, I'll support you. 2. She supported her husband through many difficult times. 3. Which team bởi you support? 4. We will always bởi our best to support our students vĩ đại succeed. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 172. talk /tɔːk/ 1. We talked on the phone for over an hour. 2. What are you talking about? 3. You're not allowed vĩ đại talk during the exam. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 173. teach /tiːtʃ/ 1. She teaches at our local school. 2. Could you teach bầm vĩ đại do that? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 174. tell /tel/ 1.Tell bầm about your holiday then. 2. I told her vĩ đại go trang chính. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 175. think /θɪŋk/ 1. I think it is important vĩ đại learn English. 2. All he ever thinks about is money. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 176. throw /θroʊ/ 1. Don't throw it vĩ đại him, give it to him! 2. Stop throwing stones at the window! KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 177. travel /ˈtrævl/ 1. I love travelling by train. 2. We travelled vĩ đại California for the wedding. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 178. treat /triːt/ 1. My parents still treat bầm lượt thích a child. 2. He treated his wife very badly. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 179. try /traɪ/ 1. She tried her best vĩ đại solve the problem. 2. We must try vĩ đại save money KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 180. turn /tɜːrn/ 1. The wheels of the siêu xe began to turn. 2. He turned his back vĩ đại the wall. 3. The weather has turned cold. 4. She turns 21 in June. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 181. understand /ˌʌndərˈstænd/ 1. Do you understand the instructions? 2. My wife doesn't understand me. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 182. visit /ˈvɪzɪt/ 1. For more information, visit our website. 2. She went vĩ đại visit relatives in Ha noi KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 183. vote /voʊt/ 1. Did you vote for or against her? 2. I vote (that) we go out vĩ đại eat. 3. How did you vote at the last election? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 184. wait /weɪt/ 1. She rang the bell and waited. 2. I’ve been waiting (for) twenty minutes. 3. Wait for me! 4. I can't wait vĩ đại eat . KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 185. walk /wɔːk/ 1.The door opened and Jo walked in. 2. She missed the bus and had to walk trang chính. 3. He walks two miles vĩ đại work every morning. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 186. want /wɑːnt/ 1. Do you want some more tea? 2. All I want is the truth. 3. What bởi you want vĩ đại do tomorrow? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 187. wear /wer/ 1. Do I have vĩ đại wear a tie? 2. She always wears black 3. She wears very little make-up. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 188. win /wɪn/ 1. She loves vĩ đại win an argument. 2. He won $3 000 in the lottery. 3. win an election/ a game/a war 4. Who's winning? KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 189. wish /wɪʃ/ 1. I wish I were taller. 2. You may stay until morning, if you wish. 3. Wish bầm luck! KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 190. work /wɜːrk/ 1. I can't work if I'm cold. 2. He works as a teacher. 3. I really enjoy working with children KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
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  • 191. worry /ˈwɜːri/ 1. Don't worry about bầm. I'll be all right. 2. I worry that I won't get into college. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 192. write /raɪt/ 1. Write your name at the top of the paper. 2. Please write in pen on both sides of the paper. 3. I wrote my sister a letter. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 193. win / win/ 1. Write your name at the top of the paper. 2. Please write in pen on both sides of the paper 3. I wrote my sister a letter. KissEnglishCenter.com/TuVungTiengAnh
  • 194. KISS English Center Hotline: 0938208014 Web: KissEnglishCenter.com AT THE TOP S E E Y O U